‘Fiat vox, atque vox fuit.’
The word of God thundered
The world of God started.

From immense dark in full
energy was generated light.
The world between voice and light.

Creation had begun in a great vision
owing to love's full strength to last
forever and in every moment.

Thanks to God's celestial music
perfect harmony of that diapasonic
voice generated the impermanency of
permanent life's musical and visual flux,
which gave birth to the polisemic
vocal and sound gamut expressing
the inexhaustible variety of colors,
moods, scents, shapes and sentiments
in an immense musical theatre.

This, like a natural Grand Opera,
depicts human and superhuman events
protagonists of our historical and pre-
historical heritage and even of our future.

In this cosmic dance of love the highest
expression of all natural and supernatural
clusters of happenings and facts is in poetry
and music, even if poetry owns a music which
doesn't need music and music owns a poetry
which doesn't need poetry.

Like neurocells and receptors in the human
brain, which is the greatest creation of
nature now here and no where or if you
like everywhere, as Yaveh, God, Jesus,
the Universal Holy Spirit, Buddha,
Manitou, Allah or whichever name
you prefer.

Marco Maria Eller Vainicher
(6 May 2004)